Saturday, June 28, 2008

Philadelphia Area Paranormal Society

Members of the Philadelphia Area Paranormal Society are out on a ghost walk tonight.

The spirits did not disappoint tonight. The only male in the group sensed the exact window at Justin's Carriage House before the story began there. And the climax for the group began in the graveyard when shadows and noises could be heard in one particular area not normally part of the walk itself. We, however, did investigate. With the group in tow the male took off through the graveyard armed with a flashlight to find the person playing with our minds so to speak only to, of course, find no one there.

Philadelphia Area Paranormal Society


Anonymous said...

The story is true and you can find additional info on our web site. Just a slight correction Email address is and the web site is no "in just "n"

Village Tour Guide said...

Sorry we fixed the web site and email address. I guess we should be doing a better job of reading your business card.

Village Tour Guide said...

Anonymous said...

Well I decided to go back to Skippack with my family on July
4th for the fireworks. We also stopped by a location to check to see if anyone wanted to communicate again. Unfortunately not this time though there was the very distinct feeling of being watched which one of my sons picked up on as well. Nothing happened worth mentioning. I doubt this will be my last visit to the location.